Creating Well-Rounded
by Lori L.
Lake |

Whether you’re writing commercial/genre fiction that
is primarily plot-driven or literary fiction that focuses very
little on plot, the essence of every main character in a novel is
critical, and minor characters matter, too.
Characters move the plot. Characters make things
interesting. Above all, it’s usually the characters with whom
readers identify, so as writers, creating living, breathing story
people is vital. From protagonist to sidekick to villain to the
minor characters who round out your tale, you are called upon to
imagine and illustrate people with a variety of traits and features,
and if you don’t differentiate well, the story won’t fly.
So when you think of creating personalities, what
works best? In my experience, a combination of techniques can
help.Create From Real Life
Transport someone you know, and include the special
eccentricities that make him or her interesting. Add imagined
characteristics or quirks from someone else. Perhaps choose
different hair color or background information, but change enough
details so the story person takes on her own life and you start to
see her as someone entirely separate from the person you originally
based her upon. Keep track of those qualities you ascribe to her so
you can eventually tell the original apart from your Frankensteinian
creation.Appropriate From Unreal Life
Choose templates from the entertainment world. Use
the looks, the peculiarities, and derring-do of an already existing
character. Start out with any distinctive and interesting person as
a prototype. For instance, if you want a character of great depth,
you could borrow the desperate traits of Stephen King’s Annie Wilkes
(or Kathy Bates); try using the cool intelligence of TV’s Seven-of
Nine (or Jeri Ryan); or cadge from personalities like Cher or
Madonna or Pink. Perhaps you need a rough-and tumble hero. Indiana
Jones (or Harrison Ford), Rambo (or Sylvester Stallone), Jason
Bourne (or Matt Damon) would all do. Borrow generously from looks,
kinks, strengths, and weaknesses of the actor/actress or from the
actual well-known personality, and then go on to add more detail to
gradually make your invented character someone readers won’t
recognize as anything other than unique.Envision From
Perhaps you need a New Yorker with an inferiority
complex or an elderly, snoopy Floridian. Maybe your plot is
seriously influenced by a thief, busybody, explorer, mailman, or
store clerk. You can make up these characters from scratch. Build a
background by writing down reasonable information about his or her
nationality, class, race, gender, year of birth, birthplace,
parents’ occupations, childhood school, religion, morals, education,
youthful goals, grownup goals and ambitions, fears, frustrations,
flaws, quirks, taste in sexual partners, morals/ethics, occupation,
family status, etc. Work to visualize this person until he or she
comes to life. Look for photographs in magazines or on the Internet
that feel like the character you are trying to create, and
hang those up around your computer so you can gaze at them every so
often until you could swear he or she lives and breathes. Devise
Specifically for the Particular Events of Your Book
Most often, you need secondary or even minor
characters to serve a purpose: they deliver news, convey information
about the protagonist or plot, and end up as a sort of cardboard
backdrop for the main action. The one-time, walk-on patrolman who
reports to your detective hero might be stereotypical, but is there
some detail you can ascribe to him to make him more interesting?
Maybe he has a yellow mustard stain on his blue collar or he’s much
shorter than a typical cop. Maybe he’s limping and that gives your
protagonist a chance to comment on an injury she is bothered by. Or,
say your main character buys flowers for her girlfriend every
weekend. Perhaps the flower seller also traffics in Cuban cigars on
the side and winks about it.
There is a limit to how much you can develop minor
and secondary characters, but a few well-placed observations about
them and their surroundings can do wonders to fill out your story
and make both major and minor characters more compelling and
believable.Mine Your Dreams
If you are lucky enough to dream lucidly and have
clear memories of the odd folks who people your dreams and
nightmares, write them down. Because you are frightened by the
boogeyman who springs from your unconscious mind, when you write of
him, the readers will be spooked, too. Many of the peculiar people
who come along in dreams would make excellent characters. Use
whatever the dream world offers you.Name Them Well
A good name can make a character. Idgie Threadgood,
Long John Silver, Hannibal Lector, Xena of Amphipolis, Atticus
Finch, Scarlet O’Hara, Kinsey Millhone, Easy Rawlins—these are
memorable names that just seem right for their possessors. John
Smith, Sally Jones, Mary Fredericks don’t really "sing." The names
are perfectly acceptable, and we may, in fact, know real life people
with these names, but in fiction, names must be more distinctive,
while at the same time not too bizarre.
A name like Kate Shugak, the main character in Dana
Stabenow’s Alaskan mystery series, suits well. "Kate" always seems
to be used for women of power and distinction, especially in
mysteries (for instance, see Laurie R. King’s Kate Martinelli series
or Katherine V. Forrest’s Kate Delafield). "Shugak" is very
different from most run-of-the-mill names and reflects the
character’s Native American heritage. The name is well-chosen.Make
Names Distinctive
Strive to vary name choices, too. If your main
character is named Mike Marsten, and his dad, Mike Sr., is referred
to throughout the book, and another character is named Marcus
Manning, you’re in trouble. At the very least, your main
character(s) should be easily differentiated from the rabble that
make up the secondary and tertiary characters. It makes a
huge—though sometimes subtle—difference to the reader.
Here are three books I own and highly recommend, all
of which are focused on creating characters with memorable
Dynamic Characters: How to Create Personalities that
Keep Readers Captivated By Nancy Kress
Creating Characters: How to Build Story
People By Dwight V. Swain
Word Painting: A Guide to Writing More
Descriptively By Rebecca
_____ © Lori L. Lake,
Associate Editor: Just About Write, Author: Different
Dress, Gun Shy, Under The Gun, and Ricochet In Time. From her
untitled book about novel writing, a work in
progress. Not for
distribution or copying without the express permission of the
author. Lori can be reached at and welcomes questions and
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